Apostle Grace Swett doing an ordination service in Kenya

Apostle Grace Swett doing an ordination service in Kenya
Apostle Grace Swett doing an ordination in Kenya

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here I am Lord Use me.

The Lord asked, who will go for us? I answered, here I am Lord Send me. He has sent me to the World and I will go. Isreal and Africa mission coming in a couple of weeks.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Lord is faithful

We have just come back from Casper, Wyoming, and driving over seven hundred miles is not easy. We made what anyone would call a mistake and drove on country roads other than the interstate, and as you would guess, the trip was longer by three hours. In this so called mistake,we saw the most beautiful creation of God, and could not help but sing glory to God.After waiting for us for so long, our hosts called and to their amazement they could not figure out where we were after we gave them the name of the town where. We were driving the road that the Lord had directed us, because the footsteps of a good man, are ordered of the Lord. The Lord works in misterious ways, and maybe, he was protecting us from something and therefore gave us a detour. All in all, Sara and I had the best time sharing and blessing and enjoying Gods wonders. Eventually we got to Casper and our hosts found out that we were not lost we were just in Gods plan. The Lord is faithful.Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord, even to them that are called according to his purpose. The Lord moved in a mighty way, and the people of Casper were blessed.